Innovative AI/Robotics Technology
Kyutech iART Program

KyutechiART Program


iART program is opened for October admission

Program Feature

The iART program is open to students interested in Robotics and Control Engineering.
Students will enroll in School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering.

As a feature of the School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, we introduced a course module system (14 courses, 43 modules system) in the master's program with the aim of providing systematic course guidelines.

In particular, the project-based demand creation course is fulfilling technological contributions to the community through problem solving in cooperation with companies, local governments and other organizations. Students are required to take this course.

For the project-based demand creation course. Students can learn and practice through the project collaboration with local company including Regional Revitalization Project. (Cooperation between Kitakyushu City, Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Kitakyushu Foundation for Advancement of Industry, Science and Technology and Kyushu Institute of Technology.)

Practical Exercises ( Project based demand creation course)

Master course: 2Years
  • Major of Interdisciplinary Informatics
  • Major of Creative Informatics
  • Major of Advanced Informatics
Doctoral course: 3Years
  • Major of Computer Science and Systems Engineering
2020 Criterion for Course Registration
Department of Interdisciplinary Informatics (Master course)
Catergory Required Credits
Informatics Subject Group 8 Credits or more
Fundamental Subjects Group
Specialized Subjects Group
・Koukyu(Practical Course) 2 credits
・Master thesis 6 credits
・Select from other subjects 2 credits
Required number of credits for graduation 30 credits or more
Department of Creative Informatics (Master Course)
Catergory Required Credits
Informatics Subject Group 6Credits or more
Fundamental Subjects Group
Specialized Subjects Group
・Koukyu(Practical Course) 2 credits
・Master thesis 6 credits
・Project Research 8 credits
・Select from other subjects 2credits
Required number of credits for graduation 30 credits or more
Department of Advance Informatics (Master course)
Catergory Required Credits
Informatics Subject Group 10 Credits or more
Fundamental Subjects Group
Specialized Subjects Group
・Koukyu(Practical Course) 2 credits
・Master thesis 6 credits
・Select from other subjects 2credits
Required number of credits for graduation 30 credits or more
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (Doctoral Course)
Catergory Required Credits
Fundamental Subjects Group
Informatics Subject Group
Specialized Subjects Group
・Seminar 1 Credits or more
・Doctoral thesis 6 Credits
・Select from other subjects group 3 credits or more
Required number of credits for graduation 10 credits or more

For more Information about Kyutech
In Japanese

In English

Application guideline for Master Program

Application guideline for Doctoral Program

Center for Socio-Robotic Synthesis