【ご案内】7/25(木)Rodrigo Verschae氏による特別講演 (情報工学実践セミナー認定対象)
(情報工学実践セミナー 認定対象)
Rodrigo Verschae氏による特別講演を開催します。学部生、大学院生はどなたでも参加できます。多くの参加をお待ちしております。
日時:2024年7月25日(木) 14時40分~ 16時10分 (4限)
講師:Associate Professor Rodrigo Verschae(チリ オーヒンギス大学工学科)
場所:講義棟1階 2101講義室
講演題目:Associate Professor Rodrigo Verschae
Computer vision and intelligent systems for smarts agriculture and event-based vision
講演概要:In this talk, we will present two research lines pursued at the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab at Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile. First, I will briefly overview event-based vision and then discuss its use in gesture and face recognition and other classification problems. An event-based camera is a new device that synchronously senses light intensity changes for each pixel, thus being of particular interest in robotics and vision problems where spatiotemporal information is important. This new kind of camera is opening many opportunities, and new algorithms are required to take advantage of the data captured by this new device. Secondly, I will present our research on precision agriculture to support cherry production in Chile. I will present our research results on i) fruit counting and phenological development estimation using computer vision techniques and on ii) agroclimatic data modelling using time series obtained from wireless sensor networks. These systems are being developed in collaboration with large-scale fruit producers and exporters, which require the estimation and prediction of yield for decision-making in the production, packing and logistics of the agriculture value chain.