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Twenty students from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from April 11th to 24th, this year's first group for the Mobility Program arranged between Kyutech and UPM.
滞在期間中、デザイン工房(飯塚)で小林順准教授(システム創成情報工学研究系)によるデジタル・ファブリケーションや、大田真彦准教授(教養教育院)とHo Yuek Ming客員研究員による「持続可能な開発」のワークショップを受講しました。また、林英治研究室(機械情報工学研究系)を訪問し、研究室メンバーから森林自律移動ロボットやセンシングロボットの開発について説明を受けました。さらに、OECDグリーン成長モデル都市北九州ならではの工場(シャボン玉石鹸、北九州市エコタウンプロジェクト、サンアクアTOTO、安川電機)も見学しました。
The UPM students participated in variety of educational modules coordinated by the Global Learning Support Division of Leaning and Teaching Center at Kyutech: Digital Fabrication Workshop by Dr. Jun Kobayashi, Sustainable Development Workshops by Dr. Masahiko Ota and Dr. Ho Yuek Ming, Laboratory Tour guided by Kyutech graduate students from Dr. Eiji Hayashi Laboratory, Factory visits to SANAQUA TOTO, Shabondama Soap Co., Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project, and Yaskawa Electric Corporation, Japanese Classes, and so on. Through these workshops and visits, UPM students were exposed to Japanese newest technology as well as green technology and innovation.
They also had chances to experience traditional Japanese cultures, such as calligraphy and Japanese sweets making arranged by Kyutech students and Global Communication Lounge. Even though it was a short term program, students were able to gain a lot of new/different experiences and enjoyed their stay at Kyutech fully.
1. デジタル・ファブリケーション 1. Digital Fabrication Workshop
2. 林英治研究室訪問 2. Dr. Eiji Hayashi's Laboratory
3. 環境ミュージアム見学 3. Kitakyushu Environment Museum
4. 工場見学(シャボン玉石鹸) 4. Factory Visit (Shabondama Soap Co.)
5. 九工大生と小倉フィールドワーク 5. Kokura Fieldwork with Kyutech students