2019年5月20日(月)、北九州国際会議場において、本学と国際交流協定校であるスロベニア・リュブリャナ大学との国際会議(The 1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence : ICMI2019)を開催しました。
On May 20 of 2019, Kyutech and University of Ljubljana (UL), a partner university in Slovenia, jointly held the 1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence (ICMI2019) at Kitakyushu International Conference Center.
About 80 robotics researchers from UL, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, YASKAWA Electric Corporation, and Kyutech professors and students joined the conference and gave a presentation in oral and poster sessions. And the Minister-Counselor of Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia was invited to the conference for the presentation to introduce the country of Slovenia.
ICMI 2019 was the very first conference planned and held jointly by UL and Kyutech to promote the research exchanges and joint research. The conference provided the researchers the good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks among them, and it will lead to the further collaborations between both universities.
1.学長挨拶 1. Opening speech by Kyutech President Yuji Oie
2.駐日スロベニア共和国大使館・公使参事官の講演 2. Presentation on Slovenia by Minister-Counselor Mr. Matjaž Ingolič
3.集合写真 3. Group photo at opening ceremony
4.ポスター発表 4. Student poster session